Archive for the ‘News’ Category

Airfare For Flights Will Increase 22% This Summer

cost of airfare increasingAccording to Bing Travel, they estimate that that airfare will increase by 22% this summer. The average domestic flight will cost around $303 per ticket, so that’s $1,200 just for a family of four! If this estimation is true and with many families still recovering from lost jobs and reduced salaries, more families will be traveling on the road this summer. But, if you still choose to fly this summer, here are some quick tips to help you save on airfare.

Have you considered renting a car for your road trip?

Some families have older cars that they don’t trust to take on the open road or they may not have a larger SUV or van to transport their big family all at once to a summer vacation spot. Renting a car for a few days can help you have peace of mind, keep your family safe, and possibly help you save on gas mileage if you choose a car that’s more fuel efficient than the car you own. You can choose a discount rental car from one of our corporate or affiliate locations around the world.

Finding the Cheapest Gas on Your Road Trip

If airfare is just too expensive this summer, and you choose a road trip, some gas stations have significantly lower gas and the location of the gas station often matters, because city and county taxes differ. Also, if you’re traveling between states, you may want to check if the other state has cheaper gas. is a great website (and there’s an iPhone and Android App) that you can use to find the cheapest gas in your area or along the way on your trip.

So, will the increase in airfare this summer cause you to take it to the road? Would renting a car be a good option for you?

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Make Reservations On Your Cell Phone With Our New Mobile Website

The E-Z Rent-A-Car web design team recently completed our mobile website to assist customers who use their cell phone to browse and make reservations on the internet. The mobile website is iPhone compatible, and compatible with most other mobile internet browsers. Instead of trying to navigate through our full website, we have designed a mobile website so you can easily access the most important parts of our website when you are traveling and away from your computer.

Mobile website address:

The Home Screen

When you first open up the mobile site, you’ll see four different options:

  • Reservations
  • Locations
  • E-Z Money Rewards
  • Visit Full Web Site (if you can’t find something you want on the mobile site, we still give you the option of visiting the full site)


In this section, you have the ability to make a new reservation,  edit a rental time for an existing reservation,  edit the reservation itself, cancel a reservation, or update your customer information.

Benefits of The Mobile Website

  • Speed. You’ll be able to make a reservation on-the-go or edit your existing reservation without dealing with our full website in a mobile web browser.
  • Portability. Take your reservation with you when you’re traveling.
  • Quickly Join Our E-Z Rewards Program At The E-Z Counter to receive instant discounts!

So, the next time you are traveling with us or looking for a last-minute car rental, don’t forget to use our iPhone compatible, mobile website when time is valuable to you.

Find Last Minute Deals On Our Twitter Account

Did you know that you can find great last minute deals on a discount rental car simply by following us on Twitter? Our Twitter account spits out daily deals on rental cars from all of our corporate locations (affiliate locations are not included).

Here’s how it works:

We set up the Twitter API to pull certain deals from our corporate locations based on certain criteria we set up. These deals are updated on our Twitter account several times per day. If the deal is still active, it will post a link to the page where you can try to catch the same rate if you are looking to travel on the same dates. We do not guarantee these deals, because our rates change all of the time, but they usually stay active long enough to book it if you check your Twitter account on a daily basis.

Here are some examples of past deals on our Twitter account:


Follow us now on Twitter to get real-time updates on our last-minute car rental deals!

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Denver and Atlanta Are Now In-Terminal Locations

Tired of getting off the plane, grabbing your luggage, hopping on the shuttle bus, and finally reaching your rental car? You should be! By the time you reach your car, you’ve already wasted an hour or so, and that’s not a good experience. We want to make your experience as smooth and easy as possible, so that is why we are moving our locations in-terminal at the Atlanta and Denver international airports.

Atlanta-Hartsfield International Airport

Starting December 8th, we will be moving to Atlanta’s brand-new consolidated facility. You’ll be able to walk up to our counters, check-in for your reservation, and get your car keys without leaving the airport. Our cars will also be located on airport property in parking garages, so you can walk to your car! This will rapidly decrease the amount of time it takes for you to get to your destination. This new move will work great for time sensitive travelers such as business travelers going to a meeting or conference in downtown Atlanta.

Denver International Airport

Beginning December 1st, we will now have a counter location in-terminal at the Denver International Airport. Like all other rental car companies, our office will be on airport property, but our cars will be located off airport property, and a friendly E-Z shuttle driver will take you to your car. The ability to get you checked in and sign the paperwork in terminal will drastically reduce your wait time to get you to your car. This will allow Denver travelers to pick up their car quickly and efficiently.

If you have any other questions about this change, please do not hesitate to ask us by contacting us or posting a question on our Facebook fan page.

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Update On Current E-Z Promotions

Facebook Promotion

Our “End of Summer” Facebook promotion has really taken off thanks to you all who became fans of our page and posted great stories and photos about your summer. We have had a great time connecting with you and being a part of what’s going on in your lives!

Our first winner was Amanda Bile from Maryland. She won the first $100 AMEX gift card, and we will be giving away three more gift cards over the next three weeks! If you haven’t already, make sure you become a fan of the E-Z Rent-A-Car Facebook page and post a story/photo/video about your summer.

Travelocity Promotion

Today, Travelocity ran a promotion for an 8% off promotion code for their Twitter followers and Facebook fans when making a reservation for an E-Z rental car through their website. We are big fans of Travelocity, and they do a great job with their Facebook page and Twitter profile. They are constantly offering exclusive Facebook and Twitter deals, and they also alert you of last-minute deals that are time sensitive.

Become a fan of the Travelocity Facebook page and a follower of their Twitter profile to take advantage of their exclusive E-Z Rent-A-Car promotion and other travel promotions.

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We Added A Multimedia Box To The Orlando Location Web Page

In an effort to make our website more interactive, more helpful to you, and more informative, over the next few months, we will be adding multimedia boxes to all of our location web pages. Since the Orlando is our largest discount rental car location, we started with their web page. Here is a screen shot of what the new page looks like. You’ll notice the box in the upper right corner. Click on the image to see a larger version of it.


How We’ll Use This New Feature

  • We already have a set of images from inside the Orlando International Airport that should help you find our rental counter more quickly and efficiently.
  • We’ll load images of local attractions and points of interest in the city you are visiting.
  • At some point, we hope to include videos and possibly an interactive video that better helps you find our rental counters inside airports.

The ultimate goal of this new feature on the website is to help you, our valued customers. If you have any more suggestions about how we can use the multimedia box, please write a comment below!

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Join Us On Facebook and Twitter

E-Z Rent-A-Car will now be serving you on Twitter and Facebook

Do you Tweet and/or use Facebook? If so, join us on Twitter and Facebook. Social media is a fun and efficient way for us to communicate with you, our valued customers. We want to engage with you and your feedback about our company. We want to hear your suggestions about how to improve our service. Had a great experience doing business with E-Z Rent-A-Car? Let us know!

In return for your participation, we will periodically post the latest news about our company and fleet products, current discounts and rate drops, and upcoming promotions.

So, what are you waiting for? Follow us now @EZRENTACAR and become a fan of the E-Z Rent-A-Car Facebook Page.


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