Archive for the ‘Travel’ Category

10 Road Trip Games To Keep Your Kids Occupied

Taking a road trip with your kids can be somewhat excruciating if they easily get bored. If they’re between the ages of 5 and 10, then they are most likely they’re asking you “are we there yet?” about every 5 minutes. Even with all of today’s modern technology to distract kids like portable video games and DVD players, some kids still get bored of playing video games and want their minds to be stimulated in a different way. Here are 10 games to play in the car with your kids that will quickly pass the time, help them learn something, and help you have a more enjoyable road trip.

  1. The “Are We There Yet?” Game. At the beginning of the trip, give your kids a road map with the route highlighted and other special interests along the way. You can also give them a compass and a small ruler. Every time they ask the infamous question, have them pull out their map and figure out how much further you have to go. This will teach them how to read a map, how to use a compass, and it will teach them some geography.
  2. The 50 States Game. If you’re a fan of the TV show “Friends”, you might have seen the episode where all of the friends are challenged to write down all 50 states within a certain time period. For a 10 to 12 year old, that might sound EASY to them, but it’s MUCH harder than it sounds, even for adults! Give them 15 to 30 minutes to write down all of the states. If you’ve got multiple kids in the car, make it a competition, whoever comes up with the most, wins. If you’ve got older kids, you can go an extra step and ask them to write down all of the capitals for those states as well.
  3. The ABC Game. The entire car, even the driver, can play this game. The way it works is you start with the letter “A”, and you have to find either word on a road sign that begins with that letter or find something on the road with a name that starts with that letter. For example, seeing a road sign for Annapolis would qualify or seeing an apple tree on the side of the road would also count.
  4. The Categories Game. You’ll need at least 4 people in the car to play this game and the little ones will probably have a hard time playing this one. What you do is pick a category like “cereal brands”. Then, one person starts off by naming a brand of cereal, then it goes to the next person in a clockwise motion. If that person cannot think of a brand of cereal within 5 seconds, they are out of the game. You keep going around the circle until only one person is left.
  5. The Counting Game. Pick a color of a car like “red cars” and tell your kids that you’ll give them a penny for every red car they spot, but they have to keep count on a piece of paper. It doesn’t have to be a car, it could be a certain brand name on a billboard or anything else.
  6. Spelling Bee. Bring a dictionary with you and give each kid a word to spell. You can sweeten the deal by bringing candy with you and they get a piece of candy for every word they spell right.
  7. Name That Tune. This works best if you can hook up an iPod to your car stereo so you can go through a large amount of songs. Make sure you have songs that the little ones would know. This is also a great game to play with teenagers. With teens, you could flip through the radio stations and have them name that tune.
  8. Scavenger Hunt. Make up a scavenger hunt list before you leave and give it to the kids. Here’s a good example of one: scavenger list. Make it a competition. First one to complete it gets a certain prize.
  9. LEGO creations. Bring a shoe box full of LEGOS, and give the kids certain things to make and see what they come up with!
  10. Digital Camera Game. Hand the digital camera over to your kids (as long as they are old enough to handle it properly). The best thing about digital cameras is that you can delete the pictures whenever you want. Have the kids take pictures of fun things they see along the way on your trip. You could even do funny faces and snap photos of that.

The more creative you get, the most time will pass by quickly for YOU and your kids! If you’re looking to rent a car for a road trip or vacation this summer, check out the cheap rental car deals at E-Z Rent-A-Car!

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Airfare For Flights Will Increase 22% This Summer

cost of airfare increasingAccording to Bing Travel, they estimate that that airfare will increase by 22% this summer. The average domestic flight will cost around $303 per ticket, so that’s $1,200 just for a family of four! If this estimation is true and with many families still recovering from lost jobs and reduced salaries, more families will be traveling on the road this summer. But, if you still choose to fly this summer, here are some quick tips to help you save on airfare.

Have you considered renting a car for your road trip?

Some families have older cars that they don’t trust to take on the open road or they may not have a larger SUV or van to transport their big family all at once to a summer vacation spot. Renting a car for a few days can help you have peace of mind, keep your family safe, and possibly help you save on gas mileage if you choose a car that’s more fuel efficient than the car you own. You can choose a discount rental car from one of our corporate or affiliate locations around the world.

Finding the Cheapest Gas on Your Road Trip

If airfare is just too expensive this summer, and you choose a road trip, some gas stations have significantly lower gas and the location of the gas station often matters, because city and county taxes differ. Also, if you’re traveling between states, you may want to check if the other state has cheaper gas. is a great website (and there’s an iPhone and Android App) that you can use to find the cheapest gas in your area or along the way on your trip.

So, will the increase in airfare this summer cause you to take it to the road? Would renting a car be a good option for you?

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Important Links and Information For The Hartsfield-Jackson Atlanta Airport

If you’ve ever been to the Hartsfield-Jackson International Airport in Atlanta, Georgia, it only took one visit to realize that it really is one of the busiest airports in the world. Because of its central location, it is one of the most common connection airports in the United States and the world. Over 250,000 people per day fly in and out of this airport, and this can make it a very confusing and frustrating experience if you’re not used to going through big airports. Here are some important links and information for you to have when planning your trip to Atlanta.

Flight Information

If you need to track a flight or make sure a flight is on schedule, click here. Flights are delayed and cancelled all the time in Atlanta, so it’s good to be prepared and check your flight or the flight of someone you are picking up before you visit the airport.

TSA Security

You’ll find some quick tips here for getting through security quickly and efficiently, plus there’s a tracker that estimates the wait times at the security checkpoints so you have an idea of how much time you need to allow to get through security and make your flight.

Click here for a list of prohibited carry-on items

Rental Car Center

This newly opened rental car facility is on the airport property, and it’s just a short sky train ride away. Here’s the link for all of the information regarding the new rental car facility where you’ll find discount rental cars from E-Z Rent-A-Car.

Terminal Maps

Go to this page for all of the terminal maps so you can be prepared once you get inside the airport and know where you’re going! All of the maps are downloadable so you can print them out and take them with you.

Wireless Internet

It’s not free in the Atlanta Airport, you’ll have to pay a fee, but you can access it virtually anywhere in the airport. All you do is click on your Wi-Fi network settings and connect to the ATL-WIFI SSID. Then, open up a web browser and a splash page will come up for the airport connection manager. You’ll have five options to connect:

  1. Boingo
  2. T-Mobile
  3. Advanced Wireless Group (AWG)
  4. AccessAnyplace
  5. Opti-Fi

Choose which one you want, pre-pay, and you’re ready to go. This may be worth it to a business traveler who has a long layover, which is common when connecting at this airport.

Pet Assistance

To accommodate passengers’ pets and guide dogs, Hartsfield-Jackson has a Poochie Park located on the lower level of Terminal North outside door LN2 to the right of the building. Owners can take animals to this grassy area and allow pets to relieve themselves. Contact your airlines directly for specific directions and guidelines for transporting pets with you.

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Atlanta’s Best Fast Food Restaurants

Eating fast food isn’t the best thing for your health, but it’s not a big deal if you indulge in it on a rare occasion, and Atlanta has some GREAT fast food options. Sometimes, there’s just no better comfort food than a great hamburger and fries or some great chicken nuggets. So, if you’re in Atlanta, you need a quick bite to eat, and you want a great experience, check out these famous fast food restaurants:

best fast food restaurants

The Varsity

You’ll find The Varsity right next to the Georgia Tech campus, and it’s a staple for college students who have the late-night munchies. The food won’t blow you away, but if you want a quality burger and fries for CHEAP, this is the place. The milkshakes are GREAT, too. You’ll love the throw-back style with Atlanta nostalgia everywhere. Study the menu before getting in line—the Varsity has its own menu shorthand. A “naked dog” is a Varsity signature hot dog without chili; a “bag of rags” is a bag of potato chips and an “FO” is an orange-flavored, slushy milk shake.


If you live out west or up north, you may not be familiar with Chick-fil-A, but ask anyone from the southwest or southeast, and they’ll tell you that Chick-fil-A is one of the best, most quality quick-serve restaurants you’ll ever visit. They pride themselves to have outstanding customer service with a southern charm. Since they originated in Atlanta, you’ll find menu items with Southern flavor such as the cole slaw, lemon pie, and thick, hand-spun milkshakes. Their motto is that they didn’t invent chicken, just the chicken sandwich, and it’s probably true, because it’s such a great chicken sandwich. For a better experience, visit the original Chick-fil-A in Hapeville, Georgia or one of their “Dwarf Houses”.

Five Guys Famous Burgers

If you’re a burger connoisseur, then you gotta try Five Guys. They’re based out of Washington D.C., but they’ve expanded throughout the Southeast. The burgers are quality, and all of the toppings are free, including grilled onions and mushrooms! While you’re waiting for your burger, grab some peanuts and have fun throwing the shells on the floor!

Willy’s Mexicana Grill

Quick-serve Mexican and burrito restaurants have exploded over the past 5 years with the rapid growth of Moe’s and Chipotle. If you want a great alternative to the big chains, try out Willy’s in Atlanta. The ingredients are always fresh and it has a college feel with mature tastes!

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Travel Tips To Consider When Visiting Los Angeles

Los Angeles is one of the largest and most exciting cities in the country. There is always something going on in the city and the surrounding area on a daily basis. But like every other area, it has it’s own unique qualities and intricacies that you should know about before traveling to the City of Angels. Here are a few tips to consider before you make your trip to Los Angeles.

  1. The weather is generally mild. We see palm trees, the beach, and sun, and we automatically assume that it’s always 85 degrees in Los Angeles. This is definitely not true. Most of the year, the weather stays in the 70′s, and it can even feel chilly at night and when the sun is behind the clouds. During the middle of the summer, it definitely warms up. The valley can get VERY hot, but it’s usually dry heat. Also, many people don’t realize that the Pacific Ocean stays fairly cold throughout the year, so if you’re used to the Atlantic Ocean, be prepared for colder water.
  2. Consider alternatives to Los Angeles International Airport (LAX). Flying into LAX can be a nightmare. It’s one of the busiest airports in the world, and it’s also very confusing. If you can get a good rate, we recommend flying into the Burbank International Airport. It’s much more quiet, and you can still rent a discount car from us! Of course, most of the best rates will be flying into LAX, but don’t worry, we have a great staff that can help you get into a great rental car for less.
  3. Los Angeles Is a Driving Town. We’re not just saying this, because we’re in the rental car business! The Greater Los Angeles area sprawls hundreds of miles, and even though they have a decent bus and metro train system, it cannot accommodate all of the areas of Los Angeles. Ask anyone, and they’ll tell you that renting a car is essential when visiting the area.
  4. Venture outside of L.A. County. Santa Barbara and the surrounding area are about 2 hours away, and it is an area that you must visit. In the south, Orange County has a lot to offer as well, and San Diego is only about a 2 and a 1/2 hour drive away.
  5. Wake Up Early. If you want to visit one of the popular shows taped in Los Angeles and you don’t already have tickets, you’ll need to be up VERY early to get in line for standby tickets. Also, the tours for Universal Studios and NBC fill up quickly too, so don’t assume that you’ll be able to walk right up to the popular attractions no matter what time of year you’re there. Also, popular game shows like “The Price Is Right” don’t tape every week, so check their taping schedule first before you roll up there at 5am!

Los Angeles is a great place to visit, but make sure you’re prepared for it!

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Green Travel Tips While On Your Vacation

Preserving our environment is one of the single most important things we must do in the future. Our population is growing and our resources are depleting, and we have the duty to be good stewards of this Earth. Many people think of “green travel” as going to an eco-friendly location such as Costa Rica, but that’s only one segment of green travel. You can make your everyday travel more green by following these tips:

  1. Rent a hybrid car from E-Z or another rental car company
  2. Before leaving the house, turn down/up the thermostat, turn off the water, and unplug the appliances
  3. Pack light.  Choose pieces of clothing that can be easily mixed and match and bring only the shoes that you need.  Also, download eBooks instead of brining paper books.
  4. Don’t drive like your a NASCAR driver.  Not only will it keep you safer, but you’ll conserve gas.  Also, try not to slam on the gas unless only when necessary.
  5. Refuse maid service while in your hotel.
  6. Turn off all appliances, lights, and A/C or heat when  you leave your hotel room
  7. Choose a hotel that provides green amenities.
  8. Bring a re-usable water bottle with you
  9. Pack eco-friendly sunscreen
  10. Let hotel managers know that you chose their hotel because of their green amenities, and this will encourage them to keep the green program.
  11. Bring your own shampoo and soap with you.
  12. Stop newspaper delivery while you’re gone.
  13. Choose airlines such as Southwest and JetBlue with newer, more energy efficient airplanes.
  14. Avoid using disposable cameras
  15. Go local.  While on vacation, dine at local restaurants and purchase souvenirs from local vendors, not chains.

Green travel is the future, and it’s not a trend.  We are working towards offering more hybrid cars in our fleet locations around the country.  The cost of renting a hybrid will go down as demand for them goes up, and we’re steadily seeing a desire for more hybrid cars, because you’re more concerned with our environment.  It’s a win/win situation for everyone!

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Spring Break Hot Spots In Florida To Visit

March is one of the most beautiful months in the state of Florida, because the weather is usually warm enough to go to the beach, but cool enough enjoy being outside. Each year, thousands of spring break college students and families from up north visit Florida in March and April for the spring break school holiday. Fortunately, there are plenty of options for discount travel to Florida, including cheap rental cars offered by E-Z Rent-A-Car. Tampa, Ft. Lauderdale, and Miami are all popular destinations for Spring Break, because the night life is great, the beaches are better, and they have plenty of hotels and tourist attractions to accommodate you.

Tampa, Florida

I recently wrote an article giving you some ideas for fun, free things to do in Tampa, and I recommend you check out all of those recommendations when you’re visiting Tampa. St. Petersburg beach, Ft. Desoto beach (at southern tip of Pinellas County), and Clearwater beach are three great beaches you must try out. Also, you’ll save a lot of money in Tampa if you choose a hotel just off the beach. The area of Tampa, Clearwater, and St. Petersburg is huge, and we recommend renting a discount rental car from the Tampa Airport.

Ft. Lauderdale, Florida

Ft. Lauderdale is only 30 minutes from the heart of Miami, it’s less busy, and it has wonderful, sprawling beaches. The beaches are also less crowded, and you’ll spend less on a hotel if you stay on the beaches of Ft. Lauderdale. South Beach has the name and recognition, and it usually boasts higher hotel prices because of it. You won’t be disappointed if you decide to stay in Ft. Lauderdale, and they have their own international airport that is less crowded and easier to get in and out of. Rent a car from Ft. Lauderdale Airport (FLL)

Miami, Florida

If you’ve never visited Miami, it is truly a unique experience. The rich Cuban and Hispanic influence make Miami such a great experience for anyone looking for something different. South Beach is the famous beach of the Miami Beaches, and there’s always something to do. It has art-deco, historical hotels, great food, and vibrant night life. We recommend this list of great restaurants in Miami to try. If you want to experience all of the great attractions that Miami has to offer such as the Planetarium, The Island Parrot Jungle, or the Art Museum, we recommend renting a car with E-Z from MIami International Airport.

(photo credit: Brisan)

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5 Free Things To Do In Tampa, Florida

February and March are great times to visit Florida. Late Winter and early spring is the time when the weather is the best in Florida, and it’s typically known as the peak traveling season in Florida. Spring break students, snow birds, and families looking to escape the cold weather often visit Florida during this time. Tampa, Florida is one of Florida’s nicest big cities, because it offers hundreds of miles of great beaches, three professional sports teams, and a variety of things to do. If you’re like us, we like to travel on a budget, which includes finding a discount rental car in Tampa and finding fun, free things to do in Tampa.

  1. Go To The Beach. This is the most fun, free thing to do in Florida. The water is going to be chilly if you visit during the winter or spring, but if you’re visiting from up north, I am sure it won’t feel that bad to you. Clearwater, Florida, which is about 20 minutes from Tampa, has some of the best beaches in the state.
  2. University of South Florida Botanical Gardens. It’s free, and a fun thing to do with the family. USF is a premier public university, and they have great facilities. Go visit their gardens and take some great pictures to show your friends and family.
  3. Tampa Electric Manatee Viewing Center. This is another free and fun activity to do with the family. Manatees are native to Florida, and even though they aren’t the best looking creatures on earth, these gentle giants are an endangered species and great to view. They like hanging out around electrical plants, because the water is warmer there.
  4. The St. Petersburg Pier. This is another great attraction where you can do some shopping, sightseeing, and take some great pictures. Check out the activities going on at The Pier.
  5. Ybor City Museum State Park. Ybor City has a rich history. It’s a National Historic district, and it has been around since the 1880′s. It’s a great place to tour and follow the walking tour and visit the museum.

If you’ve never visited Tampa, we really encourage that you check it out. If you’re visiting Orlando and Disney World, Tampa is only an hour drive if you’re looking to spend a day away from the Orlando attractions.

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5 Best Restaurants in Atlanta, Georgia


1. Sushi House Hayakawa

Red & Green Steakhouse International Plaza Shopping Center
5979 Buford Hwy, Ste A-10
Atlanta, GA 30340
(770) 986-0010

If you love sushi as much as I do, then this is the place where all of the locals will tell you to go for great Sushi in Atlanta! This is considered to be a hidden gem in Atlanta, because it’s in an unassuming location: in a strip mall off of Buford Highway, but the drive is well worth it! Rent a discount rental car from our new in-terminal location at the Atlanta Hartsfield Airport and go check this place out!

Check out the Yelp Reviews!

2. Bacchanalia

Neighborhood: Westside / Home Park
1198 Howell Mill Rd NW
Ste 100
Atlanta, GA 30318
(404) 365-0410

If you ask someone in Atlanta, “Where should I go to get the best food in town?” They will probably answer with Bacchanalia. It is consistently rated one of the best restaurants in Atlanta, and it offers a dish for everyone. The Lobster gets great reviews along with the Oysters. Don’t miss out on this one!

Check out the reviews on Yelp!

3. Lotta Frutta

Categories: Fruits & Veggies, Latin American
590 Auburn Ave NE
Atlanta, GA 30312
(404) 588-0857

Looking for something a little different? Lotta Frutta serves up fresh exotic fruit cups with whipped cream on top! They also have veggie sandwiches and fresh soups. This is a great place for lunch, and it gives you some nice latin flavor at the same time. We guarantee you haven’t eaten at a place like Lotta Frutta!

Check out the Yelp Reviews!

4. Bone’s Restaurant

Neighborhood: Buckhead
3130 Piedmont Rd NE
Atlanta, GA 30305
(404) 237-2663

Sometimes you travel to a big city like Atlanta and you just want to eat a big, juicy steak. Bone’s Restaurant is the place to go if you want something other than your run-of-the-mill steakhouse. The bone-in ribeye, the crabcakes, the asparagus, and the corn pudding are all amazing. Buckhead is also a great place for nightlife if you’re looking to blow off some steam. But come prepared to spend some money!

Check out the reviews on Yelp!

5. Antico Pizza

Neighborhood: Westside / Home Park
1093 Hemphill Ave NW
Atlanta, GA 30318
(404) 873-1272

Another favorite food that travelers usually seek out when they visit a big city is the best pizza in the city. Antico Pizza gets the award for “best pizza in town” by many locals of Atlanta. You’ll love it’s casual and quaint atmosphere, and the ingredients are sure to be fresh and high-quality.

Check out their Yelp reviews!

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How to Make Your Thanksgiving Travel Less Stressful


Millions of Americans travel around the country during the Thanksgiving holiday time period. It seems like a tradition to watch the news with all of the airport delays, bad weather, and traffic jams that go along with Thanksgiving travel. Most travelers think of it as an inevitable chore for their Thanksgiving travel to be long and stressful. However, there are some strategic moves you can make to allow your Thanksgiving travel to be less stressful. Here are a few tips to follow:

Travel on off-peak days

If possible, try to travel on Tuesday night, Wednesday morning, or Thursday morning. The period between 3pm and 9pm on Wednesday evening is always the worst traffic and the worst time to be in an airport. When traveling back, try to leave on Saturday or Sunday morning. Sunday night and Monday morning are typically the busiest travel times to be coming back from your Thanksgiving travels.

Avoid Flying

If you aren’t traveling very far, driving might be a better solution than flying. The nightmares that we all hear about during the Thanksgiving holidays are the snow storms or the overcrowded airports that caused massive delays. If you don’t trust your car or you don’t own a car, consider renting a discount rental car from E-Z Rent-A-Car.

Service Your Car This Weekend

The last thing you want while driving to your Thanksgiving destination is to have your car break down. Get the oil changed, get a maintenance inspection, rotate the tires, fill them to the proper pressure levels, and make sure your fluids are full.

Take a train.

The train is often overlooked as a viable means of transportation, and while it might be impractical to take Amtrak from Florida to New York, it’s not impractical to take the train out of New York City to Boston or Connecticut. There are many other commuter type trains around the country that are cheap and easy to use and they will be less crowded than the roads and airports.

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