Make Reservations On Your Cell Phone With Our New Mobile Website

The E-Z Rent-A-Car web design team recently completed our mobile website to assist customers who use their cell phone to browse and make reservations on the internet. The mobile website is iPhone compatible, and compatible with most other mobile internet browsers. Instead of trying to navigate through our full website, we have designed a mobile website so you can easily access the most important parts of our website when you are traveling and away from your computer.

Mobile website address:

The Home Screen

When you first open up the mobile site, you’ll see four different options:

  • Reservations
  • Locations
  • E-Z Money Rewards
  • Visit Full Web Site (if you can’t find something you want on the mobile site, we still give you the option of visiting the full site)


In this section, you have the ability to make a new reservation,  edit a rental time for an existing reservation,  edit the reservation itself, cancel a reservation, or update your customer information.

Benefits of The Mobile Website

  • Speed. You’ll be able to make a reservation on-the-go or edit your existing reservation without dealing with our full website in a mobile web browser.
  • Portability. Take your reservation with you when you’re traveling.
  • Quickly Join Our E-Z Rewards Program At The E-Z Counter to receive instant discounts!

So, the next time you are traveling with us or looking for a last-minute car rental, don’t forget to use our iPhone compatible, mobile website when time is valuable to you.

2 Responses to “Make Reservations On Your Cell Phone With Our New Mobile Website”

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