Posts Tagged ‘eco-friendly travel tips’

Green Travel Tips While On Your Vacation

Preserving our environment is one of the single most important things we must do in the future. Our population is growing and our resources are depleting, and we have the duty to be good stewards of this Earth. Many people think of “green travel” as going to an eco-friendly location such as Costa Rica, but that’s only one segment of green travel. You can make your everyday travel more green by following these tips:

  1. Rent a hybrid car from E-Z or another rental car company
  2. Before leaving the house, turn down/up the thermostat, turn off the water, and unplug the appliances
  3. Pack light.  Choose pieces of clothing that can be easily mixed and match and bring only the shoes that you need.  Also, download eBooks instead of brining paper books.
  4. Don’t drive like your a NASCAR driver.  Not only will it keep you safer, but you’ll conserve gas.  Also, try not to slam on the gas unless only when necessary.
  5. Refuse maid service while in your hotel.
  6. Turn off all appliances, lights, and A/C or heat when  you leave your hotel room
  7. Choose a hotel that provides green amenities.
  8. Bring a re-usable water bottle with you
  9. Pack eco-friendly sunscreen
  10. Let hotel managers know that you chose their hotel because of their green amenities, and this will encourage them to keep the green program.
  11. Bring your own shampoo and soap with you.
  12. Stop newspaper delivery while you’re gone.
  13. Choose airlines such as Southwest and JetBlue with newer, more energy efficient airplanes.
  14. Avoid using disposable cameras
  15. Go local.  While on vacation, dine at local restaurants and purchase souvenirs from local vendors, not chains.

Green travel is the future, and it’s not a trend.  We are working towards offering more hybrid cars in our fleet locations around the country.  The cost of renting a hybrid will go down as demand for them goes up, and we’re steadily seeing a desire for more hybrid cars, because you’re more concerned with our environment.  It’s a win/win situation for everyone!

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