Posts Tagged ‘video’

We Added A Multimedia Box To The Orlando Location Web Page

In an effort to make our website more interactive, more helpful to you, and more informative, over the next few months, we will be adding multimedia boxes to all of our location web pages. Since the Orlando is our largest discount rental car location, we started with their web page. Here is a screen shot of what the new page looks like. You’ll notice the box in the upper right corner. Click on the image to see a larger version of it.


How We’ll Use This New Feature

  • We already have a set of images from inside the Orlando International Airport that should help you find our rental counter more quickly and efficiently.
  • We’ll load images of local attractions and points of interest in the city you are visiting.
  • At some point, we hope to include videos and possibly an interactive video that better helps you find our rental counters inside airports.

The ultimate goal of this new feature on the website is to help you, our valued customers. If you have any more suggestions about how we can use the multimedia box, please write a comment below!

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