Posts Tagged ‘West Palm Beach airport car rental’

Top Five Summer Road Trips Around The Country

Flying is fun and much quicker than driving, but you never get to experience all of the other sights along the way to your destination. My family drove the majority of the time when we went on vacation. I never understood why we had to make an 18 hour drive when we could fly and get there in less than three hours. But now when I look back on those trips, we had a lot of great memories sleeping in hotels, playing games in the car, and passing through cities that we would never visit on a normal basis. Are you itching to go on a road trip this summer with your friends or family? Here are a few road trips we think you should consider!

Pacific Coast Highway – L.A. to San Francisco

Creative Commons License photo credit: fogonthedowns
Make the trip from Los Angeles to San Francisco driving Highway 1 (Pacific Coast Highway) for the entire route. You can fly into LAX and pick up a cheap rental car from our convenient Los Angeles Airport location, then hit the road up the coast. Stop in and visit ritzy Santa Barbara, surfer-laden Santa Cruz, and take a look at the mansions near the Pebble Beach golf courses. Watch the surfers try to catch a wave at Steamers Lane, and grab great Mexican food from a local restaurant along the way!

A1A – West Palm Beach to Miami

Fly into the West Palm Beach Airport and pick up a discount car rental from our friendly staff, then drive down A1A (also known as Ocean Blvd), until you get to Miami, where you can fly out of Miami International Airport and drop off your rental car. Along the way, be sure to check out the Breakers Hotel on Palm Beach Island, the Las Olas outdoor shopping area in Ft. Lauderdale, and of course, the restaurants and clubs in South Beach.

I-90/94 – Fargo to Spokane

My Mini at Glacier
Creative Commons License photo credit: cgaukel
My mother and her brother made this trip a few years back, and my mother never realized how beautiful North Dakota and Montana could be. This route will take you a while and it has long stretches of desolate land. Make sure you gas up whenever possible. The best part of this route is that you are only a small detour away from visiting two of the most beautiful national parks in the United States: Yellowstone and Glacier National Park. This is a great drive to make during the summer, because the weather will be great.

I-95 – Boston To New York City

My wife and I are doing this trip in December. It won’t be the most ideal time to do it, but she has a conference to go to in Boston during that time. Visiting Boston and New York speak for themselves, but along the way you’ll pass Martha’s Vineyard, Newport, Rhode Island, and New Haven, Connecticut. Do you love the Cape Cod lifestyle? Then this trip is for you.

I-15: Las Vegas to Salt Lake City

Pick up your cheap rental car from our affiliate at the Las Vegas Airport, do a little gambling, hit up a show, and head on up to Salt Lake City! Utah is a beautiful state with a lot of great mountains, and it’s famous for world class ski resorts. You can get nature and the excitement of Las Vegas all in one trip.

There are dozens of other great stretches of highway in the United States, and we want to hear your suggestions for great road trips. Make a comment below with your suggestions!

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